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Wrong bottle ep
The "Wrong Bottle EP" comes from Essen Germany's Tim Reichelt aka Timboletti. For his debut on Sol Selectas, he brings us two original tracks inspired by long nights and unforgettable weekends he experienced DJing the European Festival circuit at places like Fusion, 3000 Grad, and Goulash Disko. "Wrong Bottle" is exactly that - an accidental journey into the psyche
brought on by a sip from a stranger's drink. As the percussion builds you close your eyes, and open them to a flock of wind instruments circling around you. The trip gets intense and freaky at times, with acid arpeggios swirling around in your brain, but after a while, you regain control and land back on planet Earth. The next day you wake up with a"Salty Mind", things are bit foggy inside your head, but you are barefoot walking around and whistling in the sunshine. The beams of light hit your face like a thing of beauty, much like the field recordings ofthe Ayuahasca ceremony Timboletti had 10 years ago in Ecuador, that come to life in this song.
Uone & Western from Australia give us a nasty twist on the "Wrong Bottle", adding some of their own "down under" elixirs into the potion. The relentless groove pulsates until the sub frequencies run up and down your spine on the breakdown, with chants from the higher energy above, calling upon the acid lines that follow to keep you spinning. And finally the Jota Karloza remix of "Salty Mind" takes us even deeper into the light, slowing down the pace allowing for the imaginary psychedelic orchestra he creates to guide us through the sunlit forest.